
I got a new domain (: Weee! It is my new blog, only the blog is up right now, so you can comment there! I’ll blog tomorrow on it, I have to study for science and take a showerrr! Visit Dainty Hearts

Hello there!  I took my math quiz today.  I think it was really easy and really straight forward!  I hope I did good !  I am pretty sure I did well! Well, I have more tests this week. Sadly.  I have a Science Test and an Italian Quiz.  -_____- Ah, hopefully they wont be that hard!

Today was like a blank.  We did like nothing, but we did go to the new library in the school!  See, they redid the library over the summer and during the first quarter of the school year.  It opened back up like a few days ago or something and I actually have to say that it looks pretty nice!  It is very modern, and the computers are amazing.  They are widescreen Dells with adjustable heights.  The keyboards are very silent and you dont constantly hear the noise of the keys being pressed.  It is very neat and pretty!  I just love it, even though I only go into the library like 4 times the most a year xD  Ah, at least we know where our taxes are going to 😀

Today we had a sub in Social Studies!  We were thrilled.  Blah, but we had to write 20 facts on a video.  Psh, it takes like 15 minutes, but still.  Too much writing for us -_- Eh, it’s better then having no sub (:

Ciao !

Ha, so yeah, I thought I had a math quiz today, turns out we didn’t.  Me and my friend thought we did and then we ended up not.  We have it tomorrow.  That’s good.  I actually understand what we are doing. Well, to some extent XD.  What we learned today was like MAD easy, but sadly that isnt going to be on the quiz.  The quiz has 6 questions.  So pretty much, if you get more then 1 wrong, you fail.  Yeah, wish me luck ! *crosses fingers*

Yay!  I bought another domain (:  I am not telling what it is, but I am going to use the domain as a hosting and possibly a portfolio/daily blog.  I’ll see.  What do you think?  Should I make like a separate site for the portfolio/daily blog?  I am not sure. Hmm, any suggestions?


Yeah so my break is pretty much over.  I’m kinda bummed, but yet, happy to see my friends!  But UGH !  3 weeks until we are off again ):  Oh well, they’ll be fast.  Then, NEW YEARS!  Ahh its going to be 2010!  That’s so weird! XD  I am still gonna write 2009 for who knows how long.  I can never seem to get out of the routine!

Today, my sister left and went back to college.  I got pretty use to her leaving.  It’s not as much as a sad moment anymore.  She’ll be back in 3 weeks, so I’ll focus on school and she’ll focus on Finals.  She was so sad to be leaving.  She likes being home much better then school.  I guess since at home she has all of her friends.  The ones she has been friends with since elementary school.

I pretty much did nothing after we dropped off my sister.  By then I had already gone to church and I already went to music lessons.  I just worked more on a wordpress theme.  I actually got it up!  It looks okay.  It’s a start ! It’s going to be on a domain, when I get another one XD.

Blah, tomorrow I have a math quiz.  I don’t understand math this year.  Ha, I especially don’t understand what we’re learning right now.  Eh, I’m going to extra help tomorrow morning (:

Sorry for not blogging again yesterday!  We went shopping most of the day, then my sisters friends family came over.  We hung out with them until like 10:30.  After that, my family and I watched the movie Up.

We bought SO much when we went shopping.  We literally spent like $1000.  A lot of it was gifts for our family and friends.  I got pretty much all of my friends gifts yesterday!  Everything was on sale LOL.  I also got a tablet which I am going to open during Christmas.  I have been waiting to get a tablet for a while because I wanted to like make layouts that I can draw out the designs myself.  I am really excited for Christmas! Haha.  We also went to buy new phones.  Our 2 year contract was over so we were eligible for a new phone.  Me and my sister got the same phone.  We got the Samsung Rogue which looks like

Yesterday was Casey’s birthday (: We bought her a little toy from Target and she loves it!  She loves to chew on it and just run around with it.  She had a good day 😀

So, I have been kind of busy to blog because I am working on making WordPress themes.  I made a little subdomain on my site to practice.  Ha, I’m not very good with it so far XD

Sorry I didn’t blog yesterday!  I saw New  Moon at 6:30 and I got home from the mall around 10.  I was sooo tired ! I like fell asleep when I got home.  Well, happy Thanksgiving for you Americans !  Today, my cousins are coming home, so yea.  I might blog about it later, might be having too much fun(:  Well, making a subdomain to learn how to make wordpress layouts.  Yea, I might be getting a domain soon, so yay (:

xox, peace :]

OK. That girl, yeah I’m talking about the one who ate her cat…yea…she’s a freak.  I don’t mean to offend her, but like how can you threaten Miley with your cats life and expect her to listen?  That just sounds..creul.  What did the cat ever do to her?!  NOTHING.  Exactly.  I would NEVER EVER EVERRRR eat ANY pet.   I was looking at Casey when I was telling my mom about the girl and the cat, and I was like “I’LL NEVER EAT YOU CASEY (:” XDD. Baha, i love casey ❤

Ahh, well other then the nasty things…I have school tomorrow!  I’m kinda excited, but UGH I don’t want to take my SS test.  I know NOTHING in social studies ! Uhh, I gotta study later XD  My Italian test was kinda hard today -_- I hope I did good though!  *CROSSES FINGERS* Maybe I got the extra points for doing the 12 questions out of 12 !

WHOOOOPP so excited for Thanksgiving.  SUPERR EXCITED FORRR TURKEYY AND BLACK FRIDAY!  I might be getting a new phone !  Also since I got good grades on my report card (:  All of my grades were 95 and above ! :]

Ah, well I decided to put off blogging till later.  It is almost time to watch the final episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8, so I decided to blog now (:  I’m so sad that the show is ending.  I love that show!  The kids are so cute and they do so many cool things.  The kids crack me up!  I wish the show would come back, eventually!  I feel so bad for them!  They have been going through such bad times these past months that I wish I could help them!  I wish them all the luck!

Right now, I am working on a new layout for PC.  I am going to put it up in December.  It is a little holiday kind of layout, I made it myself and it is so cute!  You’ll just have to wait and see (:

I have only one test tomorrow!  Italian!  I am going to study later after watching Jon and Kate Plus 8.  The test is on sports!  Here’s a little Italian for you !

Mi piace giocare a tennis perche e molto divertente e facile!  Non mi piace andare a cavallo perche e difficile.

Hehe, I’ll translate

I like to play tennis because it is very fun and easy!  I don’t like to go on a horse because it is difficult.

(: Teeheee, I’m gonna go finish coding ! 😛

I know I shouldn’t say that I hate Sundays, since like its the day that Jesus rested and stuff for all you Christians.  But like, I just don’t like Sunday’s because I have school the next day.  I use to get this weird feeling in my stomach when it was Sunday.  I would be scared for it to be Monday.  A day where my parents aren’t home until dark and when I barely see them until Saturday.  I am over that phase now.  I still get those weird feelings in my tummy when I havent gone to school in a long time. I feel as if I wont be able to keep up with everything.   It was really weird.  I had a fear of going to school I guess you can say.  But after Monday, I wouldn’t get the feeling until it was Sunday.  I guess you can also say that I just didnt want the weekend to end.

Oh yea, yesterday night my mom cut my hair.  She did a pretty good job !  I didnt want to wait to go to the city to get it done.  I just wanted it done.  I was pretty nervous that she would mess up and that my hair would be ruined.  But I think it looks fine (:

Well, school tomorrow, no tests [yay!] but I have a test on Tuesday in Italian.  Oh well, it shouldn’t be that hard.  I’m gonna study tomorrow night!

Ahh can’t wait till Thanksgiving!  That is Casey’s birthday!  YAY ! XD.  Gonna have so much fun!  I have school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, then I’m off (:

Oh so I didnt go visit my sister yesterday ):  I got a really bad cold so then I told my parents that I didnt want to go.  Besides, she was coming home on Tuesday, so I think I can wait till I see her.  My parents were only gonna stay with her for like 2 hours because they just had to drop something off.  Then they were gonna eat lunch and leave.  I just spent my day on the computer, watching tv and blowing my nose.  Ugh, I hate being sick.  My nose always runs and stuff.  I used like 2 tissue boxes already -_- I had fun though at home.  I watched some cool shows on TV, worked on my site a bit and just relaxed!  Hopefully I get better though because my nose is sore from blowing my nose ):

I wanna cut my hair.  I want to get rid of my layers and cut it like how Selena’s is in this picture: I want it like that length.  I use to have it that short but I had layers, so it stuck to my head.  I looked like a boy with long hair -___-.  Yea, so now I wanna get rid of my layers and cut it!  Hehe I’m excited to get it cut, but I dont know when I’m gonna or if my mom will cut it.  Hmm..decisions, decisions..

  • None
  • @Amandaax: Good luck(:
  • skyliness: LOL. She should. I get the chills just thinking about it XDD
  • Meaghan!: SHE HAS PROBLEMS ;o She needs to see a therapist or something lol.
